Green Peace Energy (GPE)

GPE is an eco-friendly, sustainable energy solution. It offers smart energy briquettes, reducing deforestation and promoting cleaner, more sustainable cooking options. GPE also empowers young people with valuable skills, supports community sensitization, and contributes to a more eco-friendly environment.

Key Advantages of Green Peace Energy
Clean Energy

Eco-friendly, reducing environmental impact.

Empowers Youth

Provides job opportunities, skill development.

Affordable Solutions

Cost-effective, accessible energy alternatives.

Sustainable Fuel

Reduces deforestation, conserves resources.


Provides job opportunities, skill development.

Environmental Impact

Reduces pollution, supports conservation efforts.

Refugee Families
Organisations onboard
Local Beneficieries
Percent Possible Impact

Our Approach, ... the Problem

The overreliance on traditional cooking fuels like firewood and charcoal presents a critical problem in many regions. This reliance leads to rampant deforestation, with thousands of trees felled daily to meet energy needs. In Sub-Saharan Africa, where millions still cook with solid fuels, indoor air pollution causes over 1.3 million premature deaths each year, primarily affecting women and children. Additionally, the financial burden of purchasing traditional fuels is substantial for already vulnerable households.

Green Peace Energy (GPE) addresses this problem with a core focus on smart energy briquettes. These briquettes serve as a cleaner, sustainable alternative to traditional fuels. For every ton of briquettes used, approximately 10 trees are saved, preventing the release of 20 tons of carbon dioxide annually. This approach significantly reduces deforestation rates and indoor air pollution, directly improving the environment and the health of communities. Moreover, the affordability of our briquettes eases the financial strain on households, quantifying the positive impact on family budgets.

GPE’s community-centric approach extends to engaging young people in the production of smart energy briquettes. This not only provides job opportunities but also equips youth with valuable skills for future employment. Concurrently, our community sensitization programs raise awareness about the benefits of eco-friendly energy sources and sustainable cooking practices, creating a ripple effect of change. By focusing on smart energy briquettes, GPE offers a quantifiable solution to multiple challenges—deforestation, air pollution, and economic hardship—making a substantial difference in the communities we serve.

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